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Nutrition and Public Health

Tbilisi International Hybrid Conference

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It has been estimated that poor diet is responsible for approximately 11 million deaths and 255 million disability-adjusted life years annually around the world. Changes in eating habits in the last 2 decades in Georgia and neighboring countries have created additional health challenges as elsewhere.  

Against this backdrop the Georgian Nutrition Society continues to focus on an integrated approach to achieving and maintaining good health via optimum nutrition and physical activity.  


Our partner society, the Nutrition Society of Great Britain and Ireland will again collaborate with us in the organisation of this timely conference. We also are very pleased to announce that the Sabri Ülker Foundation, a leading science-based organisation making a significant contribution towards improving public health in Türkiye and beyond, will join us. Both groups will draw on their international network of eminent scientists to help develop a programme which is best suited to the theme of the conference. We are optimistic that this and anticipated future collaborations will be of great benefit to our region and beyond. 


Aims and objectives 

  • To review the role of diet and nutrition in health and non-communicable diseases, 

  • Raising awareness of the role and importance of nutrition in the health and welfare of society, 

  • Emphasising the need for relevant, up-to-date, science-based education accessible to all stakeholders, 

  • To become familiar with the status quo in Georgia and elsewhere, 

  • To learn about inspiring initiatives that have made a positive difference and,  

  • Above all to identify opportunities for improving the situation in Georgia and beyond. 



The Georgian Nutrition Society regularly hosts conference events for its members and the wider public. 

Tbilisi International Conference 2022

Importance of Nutrition in Preventing Disease: Current International Research, Challenges and Opportunities for Georgia

Rooms hotel, Tbilisi 19 & 20th May  



In the modern world humankind faces many challenges of which the health of the population remains a key one.

Public Health professionals know very well that it is easier and cheaper to prevent disease than treat it, with healthy eating being a principal means for this.  Major changes in eating habits and lifestyles over last two decades created additional health challenges in Georgia, so there is a great deal that we can learn in terms of current developments in nutritional science and new approaches. Our partner society, the Nutrition Society (Great Britain and Ireland), kindly agreed to support the conference and provide eminent speakers who will be presenting their vision on the newest developments in nutritional science and its role in tackling various health problems. Georgian scientists will present their view on challenges public health faces in relation with the modern nutrition and their vision for future development of nutrition and nutritional science in Georgia. 



                                           Conference Programme

Student conference: 'Nutrition and Health' 

March, 2020

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The first student conference organised by the GNS took place on 2nd March 2020 at the G. Natadze Scientific Research Institute of Sanitation, Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Tbilisi.  

The International Affairs Committee of the Nutrition Society in London kindly agreed to endorse the conference where Georgian students from different universities presented papers on issues concerning some modern challenges of nutrition and health.  

The abstracts of the presentations are linked below. 

GNS Tbilisi Conference

May, 2019

The first conference organised by the GNS took place this May at the G. Natadze Scientific Research Institute of Sanitation, Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Tbilisi and was a  follow up to the successful international symposium held in Tbilisi last summer attended by members of the Nutrition Society (UK).


The International Affairs Committee of the Nutrition Society in London kindly agreed to endorse the conference where  Georgian academics presented papers on issues concerning some modern challenges of nutrition and health.  


We would like to thank the institute for providing the venue and giving us considerable support. 

The conference was attended by 70 people, attracting particular interest from students and young professionals confirming the need for university degree courses in Georgia. The abstracts of the presentations are linked below. 


Dr Manana Stanley

President of the GNS

Dr Stanley provided a summery of the Nutrition Society (UK) 2017 London Winter Conference on nutrition and cancer. 

She also talked about the need to establish degree courses in nutrition in Georgia; a vital step forward to improving nutrition education and its application to human health. 


Tbilisi, September 2018 

Nutrition and Health - Current Developments

Together with British scientists, leading Georgian academics and professionals  presented their research projects, conducted in recent years on a wide range of topics concerning nutrition and health.

We do hope that as the scientific environment improves in Georgia and more research is carried out, future conferences will give a new generation of Georgian scientists, perhaps inspired by what they heard at the symposium,  opportunities to share with their peers new and exciting research.

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Mark Hollingsworth:

Chief Executive of The Nutrition Society

Mark Hollingsworth's presentation on aims and benefits of setting up a Nutrition Society in Georgia  was well received by Georgian professionals 

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Dr. Thorne talked on the interaction between diet and systemic breast cancer therapy

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Dr. Bernard M Corfe

University of Sheffield

Dr. Corfe presented a paper on the dietary prevention of adenoma recurrence and provided fresh insights into the direction of future research

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Dr Mathers discussed mechanisms and interventions related to obesity and bowel cancer

Prof. John C. Mathers

Newcastle University

Dr. James L Thorne

University of Leeds

Presentations by Georgian academics

Presentations by leading Georgian academics highlighted the impact of nutritional status on the health of the population of Georgia and measures that can be taken to improve the current situation. In addition there were presentations of some interesting work done by Georgian scientists on the assessment of the specific nutrients presented in local food chains and water, and the health benefits these might have.

Dr. Manana Grdzelishvili Dr.  Marina  Lashkhauri

Specific mineral contents in Georgian mineral waters and an assessment of their nutritional benefits

G. Natadze Scientific-Research Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Medical Ecology

Prof. Shalva (David) Zarnadze

Current developments in nutrition  -  trends in Georgia

Tbilisi State Medical University

Dr. Robinson Tsiklauri

Establishment of methodologies for the assessment of nutritional status in Georgia

National Association of Nutritionists of Georgia

Dr. Lela Sturua

Iodine status of the Georgian population

National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health

Prof. Levan Tortladze

Prof. Ketevan Dadiani  

New insight into the nutritional values of meat acquired from those indigenous varieties of cattle and poultry under threat of extinction

Agricultural University of Georgia; G Natadze Scientific-Research Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Medical Ecology

Dr. Mari Malazonia

Nutritional status of the elderly in Georgia

National Centre of Nutrition

Symposium 2018 Gallery
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